Tag Archives: duplicated content

HTTPS SSL is a Ranking Signal – HTTPS Migration

On 08/06/14 Google announces a new major change that will force the entire industry to switch to SSL / HTTPS across the board. I don’t think anyone was taken by surprise, but HTTPS https-seo-sslbecame a new ranking signal in Google’s algorithm.  HTTPS was a consistent trend in Google in the past couple of years and it’s going to continue growing, because Google believes that security is their top priority. Forcing SSL means that Google Search and Google products users will automatically have a secure connection. Continue reading

SEO Redirects

301 Redirect SEOWhat is a URL Redirect?

In simple terms a Redirect is a process of forwarding one URL to another URL. It redirects users as well as search bots. In other words, when someone is trying to access URL www.abc.com , server will redirect user to the new URL. www.xyz.org

Types of Redirects

There are three types of redirects:

  1. 301 Permanent Redirect is the most common one, and is used in 97% of all cases and it’s the most SEO friendly way of redirecting pages. 301 redirects refers to the HTTP server response code which means “Moved Permanently”. 301 redirect is used.
  2. 302 Temporary Redirect  – The requested URL resides temporarily under a different URL. It’s only used if you want to move content temporarily for a short period of time.
  3. META refresh is a page level redirect, meaning that the page instructs the browser to refresh using a different URL. It may look like a redirect, but in reality it’s just a browser refresh. It’s not SEO friendly and it’s not recommended in 99.9% all redirect cases.

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URL Parameters In Google Webmaster Tools

Google tech lead Maile Ohye posted a comprehensive video instructions on Google Webmaster Tools URL parameters usage.This is a fairly advanced feature and she recommends it for advanced users only. Incorrect usage of URL Parameters feature can result in page/site being dropped from Google’s index. Be careful!

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